Decisions decisions decisions...
Every day we make thousands of decisions about anything and everything, most of them subconsciously, but we do make them. Right now it's 1pm and today I have already made more decisions than countable, although the majority of them are
significantly insignificant.
I decided to get up and drink a glass of water at 6am this morning instead of shutting my eyes and drifting back into the wonders of dreamland. Dreams....ahhhhhhhhhh...Love 'em. I had the most bizare dream last night. It involved a guy who appeared to be exactly the same as Luke, he was even called Luke!! The only difference being he had a different nose and was not the Luke I know, so I started making all these random connections that he was Luke's half brother (?!?), and then he whipped out all these random photos which confused me even more... Going off on a slight tangent I will return to my point...
After arising from my stinking pit I decided sit and revise the monotony of the physics text book. This was the alternative to relaxing and listening to music as I would much rather be doing. Life's a bitch eh?
I decided to make my mum a Mother's Day card and 10 minutes ago I decided to stop revising and vaguely entertain myself by writing this blog. I can see you're bored already. Tough luck, I'm not!!
In the process of writing this down I have realised that
most decisions we make are based on what we feel we need. I got up and drunk a glass of water because I was
thirsty, my body told me I was lacking fluid, and I needed to replenish it, so I got up and grabbed a glass.
I decided to revise because I'm in the middle of my O Levels. In hindsight anyone can say
"Man, O Levels don't mean anything at all, you shouldn't get worked up about them!! And at any rate they are they easiest things
everrrr!" Shut up. When they are the first major exams you are taking they do mean quite a lot. I need to revise because I want to do my personal best, that's mentally how my mind works. If you aren't going to do something well through sheer laziness, but you are capable of doing it well, why bother to do it at all?? I just don't see the point in that(ok this only applies to public exams, I don't give about anything else hehe). So therefore, from my perspective at least, I decide to revise because I
need to. I need that sense of personal satisfaction when they are all over. I also need to justify going to school for the last two years. Imagine wasting two years of your life and getting nothing out of it. Make sense?
As for the Mother's Day card, I decided to make one because I feel I need to show my
appreciation for the one person who is always there for me no matter what. I know Mother's Day is a commerical thing and just another way for companies to make big bucks, and many feel that you shouldn't conform to it.... I however, do feel that at least once a year I need to say thanks for being there and sorry for being such a bad daughter (ha ha). Anyway, how am I supporting these mega businesses if I make a card myself? I suppose there is some way of proving me wrong.... but yet again I am drifting away from the point. Sorry :(
I decided to write this blog because I needed to get my thoughts on paper about something that has been bothering me for quite a while, my way of dealing with it. Maybe if I write it down it'll put things in perspective and then I will be able to make a right decision and not end up regretting anything. Maybe it won't. Either way writing my thoughts down will have amused me for at least half an hour by the time this is finished.
A Level choices. How is one supposed to
decide what subjects one wants to take when we have no idea of what we want to do in the future, why we
need those subjects. It's such a huge thing to jump on
poor unsuspecting 16 year olds like myself. lol. I reckon we consciously decide to do something only when we have some idea of the outcome, the result, so therefore we can justify it. You could argue that if you play Russian Roulette you have no idea of the outcome. This is true to a certain extent, but you do actually have a
large idea indeed. You either live or you die. Simple. Please don't ask me why people feel they
need to play RR, because that goes beyond me.
Back to
A Level choices. What if you have NO idea what you want to do? That's completely normal right? Or there are just too many things that interest you. I'm finding it hard to decide what subjects to take next year because I have no idea why I would need to do them, as I have no idea what I want to do in Uni and subsequently in later life. One day, after watching a medical drama on TV I think to myself that medicine would be cool. The next day I'm thinking Law, the next maybe Psychology, and the day after I'm on to History & Politics. What about Maths eh? I managed to narrow myself down to four subjects that would pretty much cover all of those things that I am interested in; History, Chemistry, Biology and Maths. Maybe not the best fit for any one of them but at least it keeps my options open right?
Then Charlieeee(Mr Shearer, our delightful and over competitive director of studies) called me to his office and imparted his wisdom. He told me that he didn't imagine that I'd do medicine and sees me as more of a humanities sort of person, and reckons I should do Economics instead of Chemistry. What the hell does he know of what I want to do??!?! What if I did drop Chemistry and by the time I'm 19 and about to begin a degree in
pop music between October 1996 and January 1997 (my new found interest, universities are catering to everyone these days eh?), I decide that ACTUALLY I want to be a doctor, as I have matured emotionally and felt I needed to help people (!!??!). It'd be a right
What to do then? Chemistry or Econ?
Conclusion: I'm
utterly aimless and have no direction. Strangely however, after writing this (very longwinded and extremely confusing) blog down it feels down right good. Where's the excitement in having planned out your life at age 16? I have friends who know exactly what they are going to do when they leave school... right up until they die actually. Well rather their parents do. A bit scary if you ask me. With things slightly in perspective, I think I'll just go with the flow and hope for the best...