KKK- White Power
Did you know that the Ku Klux Klan is still in existance? I didn't until I started researching for a history project I had to do over the summer on 1920s America. The topic interested me to the extent that a large part of the project ended up focusing on the KKK... Suprising for Moir's white supremicist herself, founding memeber of the White Panthers (Dedicated to sucking up to FNT, receiving cakes on birthdays and dealing in Deutschmarks)
It's interesting to see that there are still people who support the the group - even with its illustrious track record. It's one thing to support an organisation that calls for stricter immigration laws in order to preserve a sense of national identity (I'm in NO WAY condoning it), but it is another entirely to support a white supremacist organisation, that is crudely open about the fact that they are one. Tact, tact, if only they were more tactful they might receive more support , but it's definitely best this way don't you think?
"The Imperial Klans of America hates: Muds, spics, kikes and niggers. This is our God given right! In no way do we advocate violence."
Yet again my opinion of Americans have dropped a few levels...
In saying this however, the BNP is hardly any better... The only difference being they choose their words just a little more carefully...